Agroecology Europe as a partner of the Horizon 2020 project AE4EU is strongly involved in the mapping of agroecology initiatives in Europe. The project results are presented in a series of webinar, the next on happening on the 9th of May 16h – 17h30 (CET), presenting the “Development of agroecology in Spain and Sweden” .
The webinar will present key results and discuss them with participants. The webinar will feature presentations from Georg Carlsson (SLU), Julian Farges (Agroecology Europe), and Maria Rosa Mosquera-Losada (USC).
This webinar will be a great opportunity to learn about the latest developments in agroecology and to connect with experts in the field. To register for the event, please click on the following link:
You can also download the first volume of the mapping book analyzing the development of agroecology in 13 countries.
We look forward to your participation in the webinar!