The Agroecology Europe Forum intends to be largely based on a participatory build-up of the programme. Therefore, we launch a call for your ideas and contributions for sessions and workshops. If you wish to coordinate a session or workshop don´t hesitate to send an application for a specific session.
Your contribution may address a diversity of activities and topics related to the general principles of Agroecology, covering environmental, social & cultural, economic and political dimensions.
Hereunder is a suggestion of potential topics for the sessions and workshops. Of course, other topics are welcomed!
- Agroecological transition(s)
- Community biodiversity management
- Ecofeminism
- Right to food and access to healthy diets
- Territory-based agri-food systems
- Community fabrics
- Agroecological territorial planning
- Educational and training
- Agroecology and pandemics (confined animal feeding operations, solutions in a pandemic context)
- Innovative approaches in agroecology
- Agroecological knowledge
- Agroecology in a climate change context
- Urban and peri-urban agroecology
- Local food policies and local authorities
- European and national agroecological policies
- Involvement of youth in agroecology
- Accessibility of agroecology
- Agroecology to feed 10 billion people
- Pastoralism, fisheries and forests
Your idea can be sent to us by filling out the form by the 31st of May 2021.
For any questions regarding your contributions, please contact the AEEU Secretariat: secretariat@agroecology-europe.org, or the local organising committee: María Carrascosa García: col_3aeeuforum@ciudadesagroecologicas.eu